Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Pigs Came!

Lona and Beryl traveled to Cap's Skirring, Senegal with Beryl's sports car to go get our pigs on the 15th.  I thought you'd be curious what Beryl's sport's car looks like filled with pigs.  The pigs will be staying a bit in Lona's barn until the others finish their barns.  Everybody is happy (and the pigs seem very happy too!)

Lona standing in the Cap's Skirring barn with the first of the pigs.

Pigs need diapers when they are traveling in a sports car.  Just saying.

There they are!  15 of them.

Aren't they a little bit cute and beautiful at the same time?

Awesome.  Bonding time is already happening!  These are the pigs are hopefully going to help pull families of Catel out of poverty.

Just picturesque.  Lona and one of his pigs.

I think I'll just leave you with that image of Lona and his pig.  We are all thanking God for his faithful provision in pigs, for safe travels of the pigs (and Lona and Beryl) to Catel, and for what He will be doing through this project!

Women's day and other stuff

March 8 is International Women's Day.  Here, some men cook or go to the market for their women.  Our mission guys were awesome.  Not only did they cook for us, but they went and picked us some flowers.  Aren't they great?

Our teammate Briz giving each of us a lovely purple flower on Women's Day.

The Jablonski's (a family on short term medical mission here) went to Spain on vacation... We were very happy to have them back...and not just because they brought us "kusas sabi" (nice things)! 

My friend and teammate Meghan brought our team chocolate from Spain. 

I was pretty excited... So was everyone else, but I don't have pictures of them being all excited.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Learning Things

You know when you just sit down one day and decide "Today is the day I'm going to learn how to ________."  Well... That happened to me the other day.  I just decided the other day that this was the perfect day to start carrying heavy buckets of water on my head.  Here are some pictures:

This basia (tub) is really heavy - thank you Tessa for helping me.

Yeah man!  Look at those smiles!

I also thought that after watching the doctors here stitching dozens of people up (I translate in our clinic here), I would try my hand stitching up Mr. Orange.  Don't worry... I don't intend to try my hand on any people any time soon, but he looks good, doesn't he?

Now... what does Dr. Steve usually do with these tools?  Just kidding.  I know what I'm doing.

The orange, post-surgery.