Saturday, May 26, 2012

God's continued blessings

Much has happened since the last blog post - finals, graduation, graduation speech, the trek back to PA, reuniting with friends and supporters, meetings, and lots and lots of sorting and packing!

 I am so very thankful for my Missionary Support Team (MST) who have made many transitioning things more easy for me.  They are such an awesomely cohesive team - clearly God-orchestrated!

Another praise is that I am fully financially supported!  Any additional monies that come in will be used to fund my future years in Guinea Bissau.  If, for whatever reason, I am unable to pursue a longer term, the money will go to the Weaverland Mennonite Church (my home church) Discipleship Ministries fund to be used for other missionaries needing financial support.

I will be having one last fundraiser before training starts in mid-June.  Get ready for "The Village Experience" - an evening of food, fun and friends.  There will be a silent auction at 5, a Guinean dinner (by suggested donation), a presentation to learn more about what I'll be doing in Guinea Bissau, and kids activities.  Hope to see you there!

Thank you to my friend Julia for the awesome invite design!