Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Meet Celino!

The first up for the "Meet the Pig Project Guys" series is Celino.  Before we start though, I wanted to give you an idea of what pigs look like here.  The pigs we will get in March are of an improved variety; they grow better and eventually will give a larger return profit.  Local varieties have more of a hunched back, and therefore not a whole lot of meat back there!

Here is a mama pig and her baby piglets (local breed).

The pig project will be used to provide the family with income, and thus improving the diet.  Here are some of the church neighbor kids showing us what they are eating (plain broken white rice with a fish sauce).

(photo credit: Pam Jablonski)

Okay!  On to Celino (It's pronounced "cheh-LEE-noh" by the way)! Celino is a church leader here in the Mennonite church in Catel.  Not only does he go out to evangelize in a neighboring village, but he is also involved with the cashew business (some of you have heard of that as well - see for more info), and runs our local solar-powered cell phone tower.  In the "free time" that he rarely has, he builds houses (his expertise will help him skillfully build his pig house).  Celino is a very very busy man to say the least.

 Here is Celino standing on some mud bricks that he made to repair a house.

Celino's humble abode by the cell phone tower (not in the picture)

Here are some pictures of the site of Celino's project. 

Stay tuned as the series continues!  You'll get to meet Lona and Gibby as well in the future.  My hope is that these posts make you feel like you know the guys across the ocean that I've been working with and you've been praying for.

Written with much love and prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Adrianne,
    I miss you all, but it is great to see some of the updates on some of the people that I learned to know in my 3 months. Tell everyone hi in Catel for me..Jon Yoder
