Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Dwelling in the Word

This morning, I led the YES team (a group of young individuals ages 18-20ish) in a devotional.  We dwelt in Psalm 24.  It's quite possibly my favorite Psalm, but it particularly struck me anew this morning, and I had to share it with you.

The earth is the LORD's and everything in it.  The world and all its people belong to Him.
For He laid the earth's foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths.
Who may climb the mountain of the LORD?  
Only those whose hands and hearts are pure, and who do not worship idols and never tell lies.
They will receive the LORD's blessing and have a right relationship with God their Savior.


Open up, ancient gates!  Open up, ancient doors, and let the King of glory enter.  
Who is the King of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty; the LORD, invincible in battle.
Open up, ancient gates!  Open up, ancient doors, and let the King of glory enter.
Who is the King of glory? The LORD of Heaven's Armies - He is the King of glory.

God is in control.  Everything belongs to Him.  All the people of the world belong to Him and He longs for them to turn to Him.  In a culture where animism and spiritual warfare is heavy, we know that God has already won the battle.  He is invincible.  He is calling for the ancient gates of animism to break open and for the King of glory to enter in His rightful place.  May it be so!


  1. Keeping you in my prayers! Glad I finally had a chance to catch up on what you are doing.


  2. Hi Adrianne! I see your dad at my work every now and again and he directed me to your blog this morning. Its great to see you are doing something so wonderful with your life and I can see that you are enjoying your time in Africa! Best of luck and God Bless! I look forward to seeing your future blog posts!
