Monday, February 3, 2014

The (2nd Annual) Village Experience

It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday, February 1st; I stand amazed, watching my team move so efficiently.  It's "the Village Experience," but this part is very unlike my "village experience".  Hardly ever do things move so efficiently where I live in Guinea Bissau.  Everything is people/relationship oriented not event/task oriented.

Everything set up and food ready with time to spare.  The whole team gathers for prayer.  People arrive.  The fun begins for our (approximately) 200 guests (my fun started several weeks ago, planning for this event).

The invitation, designed by a talented support team member!

Guests were welcomed into a busy environment with Guinensi music, a bag of cashews, and a blurb about what to expect for the evening.

Early comers check out the silent auction items.

 The food team gets ready behind the scenes!

Look at those beautiful, happy faces midst slight chaos!  

T brings out the food to hungry guests.

Meanwhile, I enjoyed reconnecting with Bob and Anna Mae Weaver; Anna Mae is Beryl Forrester's sister (Beryl was the pioneer missionary of our mission in Catel).

I also enjoyed talking with retired East African missionary LeRoy Petersheim!

People of all ages enjoyed exploring the Education Stations. The stations included a tour of my house, explanation of cashew production/processing, what kind of food we eat and what's in our stores, what kinds of animals are found in Guinea Bissau, and a display on water.

The animal display.

There was also a dress up bin.  Looks like "Little I" found it!

"Little J" found it too!

Guests enjoy the juice bar, warga (local tea), food, and fellowship.

"Little C" enjoyed eating West African pumpkin stew over rice out of a communal bowl with his siblings and daddy.

I help "Little J" get his watermelon, banana, orange, and cantaloupe fruit salad. 

After everyone had their fill, and got their silent auction bids in for the MANY items we had for sale, the program started (followed by an engaging question and answer session).

A huge thank you to everyone who helped set up and coordinate, as well as to all our guests who came out! 
(Thank you also to my photographers: Floyd Huber and Juanita Huber)
